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Theater named after Les Kurbas

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The Les Kurbas Lviv Academic Theater is an important cultural institution in the city of Lviv. The theater was founded in 1988 by a group of young actors and director Volodymyr Kuchynskyi, and it got its name in honor of the outstanding Ukrainian director Les Kurbas. Since its creation, the theater has managed to become famous both in Ukraine and beyond.

The Les Kurbas Theater is famous for its performances, which are often based on classical and modern works of Ukrainian and world literature.

The theater is also famous for being the first to stage the dialogues of Grigory Skovoroda, Plato and the poetry of Vasyl Stus.

For your interest, the theater was originally built as a cinema "Casino de Paris& #34; in the style of modernized historicism at the beginning of the 20th century. It had an impressive ornament and decoration both outside and inside the building. Later, the theater was named after Les Kurbas and became an important cultural center in Lviv.

The Les Kurbas Theater actively participates in various international theater festivals and has received high awards for its performances.

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Theater named after Les Kurbas

вулиця Леся Курбаса, 3, м. Львів
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