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  • © https://museumterror.com/

  • © https://museumterror.com/

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Museum "Territory of Terror"

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  • Paid entrance

Memorial Museum "Territory of Terror" in Lviv is an important historical object that reflects the events and periods associated with totalitarian regimes in Lviv during and after the Second World War. This area, the former ghetto and maximum prison number 25, witnessed terrible historical events and hides a lot of important information about that time.

The ghetto in Lviv was a place of suffering for many Jewish residents of the city, and its history reminds of cruelty and repressions of the Nazi regime. A large number of people died here, and this memorial honors their memory.

Also, the history of forced labor prison No. 25 is important, as it testifies to the repression and persecution to which people were subjected, who were sent from here to forced labor. and Gulag camps.

Memorial Museum "Territory of Terror" is of great importance as an educational and memorial object that helps preserve the memory of the victims of totalitarian regimes and reminds us of the importance of protecting human rights and freedom.

This is a museum spatial design and the exhibition of the museum "Territory of Terror" reflect the terrible history of totalitarian regimes and their impact on people. It is important to have such museums that remind of the past, educate and preserve the memory of the events to prevent such horrors from happening again in the future.

Calf wagon and suitcases with ′cards′ are important artefacts that help to experience the horror and suffering that deportees experienced during totalitarian regimes. Such exhibitions help to feel dignity and solidarity with the victims of repression and remind us of the importance of human rights and freedom.

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Museum "Territory of Terror"

проспект В’ячеслава Чорновола, 45г, м. Львів
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