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National Drama Theater named after Maria Zankovetska

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The building of the National Academic Ukrainian Drama Theater named after Maria Zankovetska was opened under the name "Skarbkivskyi Theater" (in honor of its founder, Stanislav Skarbko) in Lviv on March 28, 1842. At the time of its opening, it was the third largest theater in Europe. The theater building occupies an entire quarter, bounded by Lesya Ukrainka Street, Svobody Avenue, Knyaz Yaroslav Osmomysl Square and Teatralnaya Street. It was designed in a classical style by architects L. Pihl and Y. Zaltzman. The troupe of the theater arrived in Lviv in 1944.

The history of art has always been interconnected with the social and political events of its time. This is especially important for the theater, which acts as a reflection of the spiritual state of society. In 1917, at the beginning of the formation of the young independent state of Ukraine, theatrical activity in Ukraine, in particular in Kyiv, was very high, and this led to the creation of the Committee of the Ukrainian National Theater and later to the creation of the first state theater of Ukraine - the Ukrainian National Theater.

In these years, important changes took place in the Ukrainian theater, and the theater named after Maria Zankovetska played an important role in this process. After the restoration of Ukraine′s independence in 1991, the theater received the status of the National Academic Ukrainian Drama Theater named after Maria Zankovetska. This contributed to his creative development and active participation in the cultural life of the city.

The theater also welcomed a new generation of young actors and directors who contributed to the repertoire and expressiveness of theatrical performances. New productions include classical works, as well as modern Ukrainian drama.

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National Drama Theater named after Maria Zankovetska

вул. Лесі Українки, 1, м. Львів
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