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Palace of Culture named after Hnat Hotkevich

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  • Paid entrance

The City Palace of Culture named after Hnat Hotkevich is a communal cultural and educational center located at 1 Kushevicha Street in Lviv. This building is an architectural monument of local importance with number 1613. The idea of ​​creating the Palace of Culture arose after the protests of workers in 1924, who did not have their own place for meetings and rest. Due to the lack of funding from the local budget, enthusiasts collected funds independently for 10 years. Starting in 1927, each worker put aside 1% of his monthly salary for the construction of the Palace. During this time, it was possible to collect 50 thousand zlotys to realize their dream. After that, a competition for the design of the building was announced, and the winners were the famous architects Tadeusz Wrubel and Leopold Karasynskyi.

The first brick for the Palace was laid in 1933, and the workers themselves, helping financially, worked on the construction. They worked on weekends, evenings and nights, and already in September 1933 the building was completed. In November 1934, the House of Workers of the Community of the City of Lviv was solemnly opened.

On May 16-17, 1936, an anti-fascist congress of cultural figures from Western Ukraine, Western Belarus and Poland was held in the premises of the club of the Union of Communal Services Workers of the City of Lviv, who were under the influence of left-wing political forces such as KPZU and KPP. In 1956, this event was marked with a memorial plaque, which was installed near the central entrance to the building. In the interwar period, the "World View" sound cinema operated in this building. and the administration of the third city district. During the German occupation, the Judenrat - the governing body of the Jewish community in the Lviv ghetto - also functioned here.

In 1946, the street where the workers′ club was located was renamed Klubna. After the Second World War, the club of the Lviv Tram and Trolleybus Administration, known as the "Club of Trammen", was housed in this building. Later, this club was named the ``Palace of Culture of Workers of the Local Industry of Utility Enterprises named after the Hero of the Soviet Union M.I. Kuznetsov′. In 1993, the Palace of Culture was named after Hnat Khotkevich, which has been preserved to this day.

More than 20 creative groups operate in this Palace of Culture, with a total of more than a thousand permanent members. Five of these collectives have the honorary title of "People′s". and "Exemplary". The Palace of Culture actively participates in city holidays and festivals, and each of its teams is known outside of Ukraine. There are regular concerts and performances for Lviv residents and guests of the city.

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Palace of Culture named after Hnat Hotkevich

вул. Кушевича, 1, м. Львів
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