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  • © https://truskavets.ua/leisure/park/

Adamivka Resort Park

  • Food establishments
  • Entertainment for children
  • Entertainment for animals
  • Public transport
  • Cycling infrastructure
  • Free parking
  • Paid parking

Unique park-monument’a monument of garden and park art of national significance

In the picturesque resort town of Truskavets, located in the Carpathian region, there is a unique park, which is one of the oldest and most beautiful parks in Ukraine. This park is called "Adamivka" and was founded in 1895.

Location and territory

The park is located in the center of the city, on an area of ​​60 hectares. It stretches along the valley of the Vorotishche stream, which makes it even more picturesque and picturesque.

Plant life

Park "Adamivka" is home to a variety of plants, including rare and exotic species. Here you can find tulip tree, Weymouth pine, Crimean pine, Japanese sophora, cattail rose, Amur velvet, cherry sakura, magnolia, golden rain, vinegar tree, black pine and others.

History and significance


The park has a rich history. It was founded on a place where there were once springs of mineral water. That is why the park has such an important role for the city of Truskavets. It is not only a place of rest and walks, but also a center of health.

Interesting places

There are many interesting places in the park that are worth visiting. Among them:

Torosevicha Boulevard – the main avenue of the park, which stretched across its entire territory.

Music gazebo – a round gazebo , in which the melodies of famous composers sound every day.

Galleries near the springs – wooden pavilions that were built to protect vacationers from bad weather.

The monument to Adam Mickiewicz is a monument to the famous Polish poet.

The statue of the Mother of God is a symbol of the blessing of the area.


The resort park of Truskavets is a must-see for everyone who comes to this resort town. This location, where you can relax your soul and body, enjoy the beauty of nature and history.

See full description
place map

The location is included in the routes

  • Трускавець — це курортне місто в Львівській області України, відоме своїми мінеральними джерелами. Цей 2-денний маршрут пропонує вам можливість познайомитися з основними визначними пам’ятками міста, від мінеральних джерел до історичних будівель.

    Цей маршрут можна адаптувати відповідно до ваших інтересів і бюджету. Наприклад, якщо ви хочете більше дізнатися про історію Трускавця, ви можете відвідати інші музеї міста, такі як музей народної архітектури та побуту Гуцульщини або музей історії курорту Трускавець. Якщо ви хочете більше відпочити, ви можете провести більшу частину часу в одному з парків міста або відвідати один з місцевих спа-центрів.

Adamivka Resort Park

вулиця Бориславська, 1, м. Трускавець
  • Опис:

  • Джерело:

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