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Arboretum "Pidhyrya"

  • Food establishments
  • Entertainment for children
  • Entertainment for animals
  • Public transport
  • Cycling infrastructure
  • Free parking

Arboretum "Pidigir’ia" in Truskavets: a paradise corner for relaxation

Arboretum "Pidhyrya" is a favorite vacation spot for guests and residents of Truskavets. It is located on the territory of the "Karpaty" sanatorium and is one of the most beautiful parks of Ukraine.

Landscape design

The park is distinguished by a wonderful landscape design that perfectly fits into the hilly terrain. Here you can see a small waterfall, decorative lakes, a water wheel and many other interesting locations.

Diverse flora

A huge number of different trees grow in the park, including rare species. Here you can see tulip tree, Weymouth pine, Crimean pine, Japanese sophora, cattail rose, Amur velvet, cherry sakura, magnolia, golden rain, vinegar tree, black pine and others.

Magical atmosphere

Arboretum "Pidhyrya" is a place where you can rest your soul and body, enjoy the picturesque landscape and simply relax. There is a unique atmosphere that promotes health and relaxation.

Sculpture park

Arboretum "Pidhyrya" is also an open-air sculpture park. Here you can see a number of wooden and bronze statues, story exhibits and compositions. Among the most popular compositions:

Mini-zoo, which features rare animals such as peacocks, deer, roe deer, leopards, lynxes.

The sculptural composition "Trembitari", which is a symbol of Transcarpathia.

The composition "Sundial", which shows the time using sun rays.

Sculptures of "Vertep", which tell about the Christmas story.

Sculptures on a mythical theme " ;Mavka and Chugaister", "Running Perun", which reflect folk beliefs.


The park was founded in 1989. It was created to reflect the folklore traditions of the region and to tell about the culture that prevailed here many decades ago.

How to get there

The park is located in the southern part of the Truskavets resort between the streets of Pomiretska, D. Halytskyi and Karpatska. The nearest reference point is the "Karpaty" sanatorium.

See full description
place map

The location is included in the routes

  • Трускавець — це курортне місто в Львівській області України, відоме своїми мінеральними джерелами. Цей 2-денний маршрут пропонує вам можливість познайомитися з основними визначними пам’ятками міста, від мінеральних джерел до історичних будівель.

    Цей маршрут можна адаптувати відповідно до ваших інтересів і бюджету. Наприклад, якщо ви хочете більше дізнатися про історію Трускавця, ви можете відвідати інші музеї міста, такі як музей народної архітектури та побуту Гуцульщини або музей історії курорту Трускавець. Якщо ви хочете більше відпочити, ви можете провести більшу частину часу в одному з парків міста або відвідати один з місцевих спа-центрів.

Arboretum "Pidhyrya"

вул. Карпатська, 2, м. Трускавець
  • Опис:

  • Джерело:

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