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Zhovkiv Castle

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Zhovkva Castle is renowned for its glorious history and impressive architecture. It was constructed by order of Hetman Stanislaw Zolkiewski between 1594 and 1605, with the architect being Pawel Shchaslyvyi. From the very beginning, the castle witnessed significant historical events, including the presence of Hetman Bohdan Khmelnytsky′s family.

In the second half of the 17th century, the castle became the residence of King Jan III Sobieski, and it was under his reign that it experienced its greatest flourishing. Under the direction of architects P. Beber and A. Locci, the castle was transformed into a grand royal residence. Nearby, splendid park ensembles were created, serving as a vivid example of landscape design of that time.

The castle boasts an impressive architectural composition. It consists of four three-tiered corner flanking towers and four two-story buildings connected by enclosed combat galleries. Inside the castle, there is a large inner courtyard, and at the ends of the buildings, there are small courtyards. The palace building is distinguished by a two-tiered open gallery located deep within the courtyard. Moreover, the castle has a large entrance gate with a four-tiered gate tower located on the central axis, leading to an embankment and a wooden bridge over a wide stone defensive moat equipped with water channels. Part of the bridge was movable and used to close the castle gate when necessary.

Initially, the castle had a modest exterior, but under the direction of Jan III Sobieski, it was transformed into a luxurious royal residence through the interventions of architects P. Beber and A. Locci. Zhovkva Castle and its surroundings are important artifacts of Ukrainian history and culture, attracting tourists from all over the world with their grandeur and distinction.

Starting in 1740, the town of Zhovkva became the property of the Radziwill magnate family. During this period, the castle underwent another reconstruction, losing its original defensive function. The process of the structure′s decline began during the Austrian rule in the region when the castle was sold at auction in 1787. The last owner, Arthur Glodowski, allowed the historical object to fall into ruin.

During World War I, in 1915, Russian troops destroyed the remaining parts of the castle by burning it. Between 1923 and 1931, partial restoration of the structure and replacement of the roofs were carried out with funds from the Polish government. After World War II, the building was adapted for residential use, and it remains so to this day.

Currently, the castle building partially functions as a museum, where visitors can learn more about its history and significance in the cultural heritage of the region.

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  • "Золота підкова Львівщини" є популярним маршрутом для туристів, який об’єднує найвідоміші замки Львівської області. Назву "Золота підкова" отримав цей маршрут завдяки аранжуванню замків у формі дуги, що нагадує вигляд підкови. Зазвичай до цього маршруту входять Олеський, Підгорецький, Золочівський, Свірзький замки, іноді також Жовківський, Поморянський і Старосільський замки.

Zhovkiv Castle

пл. Вічева, 2, м. Жовква
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