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the Mertvovod river - the left tributary of the Southern Bug

  • Barbecue area
  • Entertainment for children
  • Entertainment for animals
  • Cycling infrastructure
  • Free parking
  • Observation deck
  • Camping

Mertvovod: a picturesque river with a rich history

Mertvovod is a river that flows in the south of Ukraine, within the boundaries of the Kirovohrad and Mykolaiv regions. It is a left tributary of the Southern Bug and is 114 kilometers long. The area of ​​its catchment basin reaches 1,820 square kilometers.

The river originates in the village of Kryvonosove, Kirovohrad region, and flows into the Southern Bug near the city of Voznesensk, Mykolaiv region. Its course runs through picturesque valleys framed by granite rocks, forests and fields.

Mertvovod is fed by 148 small rivers and has a mixed supply with a predominance of snow. The river freezes at the end of December and clears at the beginning of March.

History and origin of the name

There are several versions of the origin of the name of the Mertvovod river. According to one of them, it comes from the word "dead", because in this area there were once many swamps, where people often died. Another version says that the river was named after the Cossacks who died in the battle with the Turks.

Regardless of the origin of the name, Mertvovod plays an important role in the lives of people living in its basin. The river is used for water supply, irrigation and fishing.

Natural resources

Mertvovod is famous for its picturesque nature, which attracts tourists from all over Ukraine. There are many scenic spots along the river where you can relax in the fresh air, go boating or just enjoy the peace and quiet.

The river is also home to many species of plants and animals. Here you can find fish such as crucian carp, pike, perch and bream, as well as birds such as storks, ducks and cranes.

Environmental problems

Unfortunately, the Mertvovod River, as and many other rivers of Ukraine, faces environmental problems. Water pollution, deforestation and overfishing lead to deterioration of the river′s ecosystem.

It is important to take measures to preserve the Mertvovod and other rivers of Ukraine. This will help preserve this picturesque natural gem for future generations.

What to do on the Mertvovod River

  • Relax in the fresh air
  • Take a boat ride
  • Fish
  • Bird watching
  • Have a picnic
  • Visit scenic spots
  • Learn about the history and culture of the region
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How to get to the Mertvovod River

You can get to the Mertvovod River by bus, train or car. The closest cities to the river are Bobrynets, Voznesensk and Pervomaisk.


  • Before traveling to the Mertvovod River, it is recommended to familiarize yourself with the weather forecast.
  • Take from bring food, water and sunscreen.
  • Don′t forget comfortable shoes and clothes.
  • Leave trash behind.
  • Respect nature and local residents.
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Mertvovod is a picturesque river with a rich history and ecosystem. This is a great place for relaxation and unity with nature.

See full description
place map
  • , с. Кривоносового
  • Open - Thursday: 00:00-24:00

    Monday 00:00-24:00

    Tuesday 00:00-24:00

    Wednesday 00:00-24:00

    Thursday 00:00-24:00

    Friday 00:00-24:00

    Saturday 00:00-24:00

    Sunday 00:00-24:00

the Mertvovod river - the left tributary of the Southern Bug

, с. Кривоносового
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