Lake Brebeneskul

  • Barbecue area
  • Entertainment for children
  • Entertainment for animals
  • Observation deck
  • Camping

Lake Brebeneskul, located at an altitude of 1,801 meters above sea level, is the highest mountain lake in Ukraine. This is a real pearl of Montenegro, which impresses with its picturesque beauty and grandeur.

What is interesting about Lake Brebeneskul

  • Unique location: The lake is located in a picturesque hollow between two mountains of Montenegro ridge: Gutyn Tomnatyk (2016 m) and Brebeneskul (2038 m).
  • Glacial origin: Brebeneskul was formed by the action of glaciers thousands of years ago.
  • Crystal clear water: The water in the lake is so clean , that you can clearly see the bottom, even at a considerable depth.
  • Unique flora and fauna: Many rare plants grow around the lake, and trout, dragonflies and other fish live in its waters.
  • A wonderful view: From the peaks around the lake there is a panoramic view of the Chornohirsky ridge, which impresses with its grandeur.

A few tips for those who plan a trip to the lake

  • Choose comfortable shoes and clothes: The hike to the lake is quite difficult, so it is important to have comfortable shoes and clothes.
  • Bring food and water: There are no shops along the way to the lake, so it is important to bring food and water.
  • Protect yourself from the sun: Even in the mountains, the sun can be very hot, so don′t forget to bring sunscreen and a hat.
  • Be careful: The mountains can be dangerous, so it′s important to be be careful and don′t take risks.

Lake Brebeneskul, a true pearl of Montenegro, charms travelers with crystal clear water, picturesque views and a unique atmosphere. Located at an altitude of 1,801 meters above sea level, it is the highest mountain lake in Ukraine, offering unforgettable experiences for lovers of nature and active recreation.

History and origin

Brebeneskul was formed by the action of glaciers over thousands of years ago. The glacier, coming down from the mountains, carved a deep hollow in the rocky massif, which was later filled with melt water. This process gave the lake its characteristic shape and depth of up to 3 meters.

Flora and Fauna

The lake and its surroundings are home to many rare and endemic species of plants and animals. Here you can find:

  • Flower plants: Ukrainian edelweiss, mountain arnica, mountain crocus, Carpathian bells.
  • Animals: mountain salamander, Carpathian newt, red deer, brown bear.

Interesting facts

  • Lake Brebeneskul does not have any power source, it is filled only with rain and melt water. turning into a picturesque ice rink.
  • The name "Brebeneskul" comes from the Romanian word "Brebenescul", which means "place where sheep grow.

How to get there

To the lake Brebeneskull can be reached on foot from the village of Dzembronya. The hike takes about 3-4 hours and takes place along picturesque mountain paths. There is also the possibility to reach the lake by SUV, but this route is recommended only for experienced drivers.

Lake Brebeneskull is a place that will surely enchant you with its beauty and grandeur. Visit it to feel the real atmosphere of the Ukrainian Carpathians and get unforgettable impressions!

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place map
  • , Бребенескул
  • Open - Thursday: 00:00-24:00

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Lake Brebeneskul

, Бребенескул
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