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the Uzh River is a tributary of the Labortsi

  • Barbecue area
  • Entertainment for children
  • Entertainment for animals
  • Cycling infrastructure
  • Free parking
  • Observation deck
  • Camping

Uzh: the picturesque river of Transcarpathia and Slovakia

The Uzh, also known as Ung (Hungarian) and Ug (Slovak), is a picturesque river that flows through the Transcarpathian region of Ukraine and eastern Slovakia. Its meandering 133-kilometer course takes it through mountain slopes, valleys and picturesque villages, making it a popular destination for recreation and ecotourism.

Sources and travel

The source of the Uzha is in Ukrainian Carpathians, near the village of Verkhniy Studeny. From here, she goes on an exciting journey, collecting water from numerous mountain springs and streams. Its path leads through picturesque villages such as Velikiy Berezny, Uzhhorod and Middle Uzhhorod, where the river expands, forming picturesque floodplains.

Border crossing

After Uzhhorod, Uzh crosses the Ukrainian-Slovak border, continuing his journey through eastern Slovakia. Here it feeds the Starina reservoir, which is used for drinking water supply and irrigation. The river then flows through picturesque Slovak villages such as Trebišov and Michalovce before merging with the Laborec River.


It already plays an important role in the lives of the people who live along its banks. The river provides drinking water, irrigates fields and serves as a source of fish and other water resources. Its picturesque shores attract tourists who seek to enjoy the beauty of nature, hiking, fishing and kayaking.


Already home to a variety of plants and animals, including trout, salmon, otter and beaver. The river also plays an important role in climate regulation and flood prevention.


Unfortunately, the Uzh, like many other rivers in the world, faces certain threats. Pollution, overfishing and destruction of natural habitats threaten the river′s ecosystem.

By conserving the Uzh, we can preserve a valuable natural resource for future generations.

  • The name of the river &# 34; Already" comes from the Proto-Slavic word "Uzh" which means "snake". This is probably due to the winding course of the river.
  • Uzhhorod, the regional center of the Transcarpathian region of Ukraine, got its name from the river.
  • Uzhhorod Castle is located in Uzhhorod, which was built in the 14th century on the banks of the river.
  • Uzh River is a popular place for rafting and kayaking.

Uzh is not just a river, it is a vital artery that 8217;connects people, places and ecosystems. Its preservation is our responsibility

See full description
place map
  • , Ужгород
  • Open - Thursday: 00:00-24:00

    Monday 00:00-24:00

    Tuesday 00:00-24:00

    Wednesday 00:00-24:00

    Thursday 00:00-24:00

    Friday 00:00-24:00

    Saturday 00:00-24:00

    Sunday 00:00-24:00

Interesting locations nearby

the Uzh River is a tributary of the Labortsi

, Ужгород
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