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Synevyr Lake and National Park

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  • Entertainment for animals
  • Cycling infrastructure
  • Free parking
  • Paid parking
  • Paid entrance

Lake Synevyr is one of the most beautiful and romantic places in Ukraine

Lake Synevyr is the largest lake of the Ukrainian Carpathians, located in the Khust district of the Transcarpathian region, in the Inner Gorgan mountain massif. It is one of the business cards of Ukraine and is part of the Synevyr National Nature Park.

Lake Synevyr was formed as a result of a powerful landslide caused by an earthquake about 10,000 years ago. At an altitude of 989 m, rocky mountain rocks stood in the way of a fast stream, forming a dam and completely blocking the narrow valley.

The area of ​​the lake is about 7 hectares, and its depth reaches 22 meters. The water in the lake is of a deep blue color, which gives it a special charm.

Lake Synevyr is a popular place for romantic walks. Here you can enjoy picturesque views, sit on the shore of the lake and just be with your loved one.

Here are some reasons why Lake Synevyr is such a romantic place:

  • Beautiful nature. The lake is surrounded by mountains, which creates an incredibly picturesque landscape.
  • A magical atmosphere. The atmosphere on Lake Synevyr is calm and peaceful, which is conducive to romance.
  • History and legends. Many legends are associated with Lake Synevyr, which give it a special charm.

Lake Synevyr is an ideal place for a romantic vacation. Here you can spend an unforgettable time with your significant other, enjoying the beauty of nature and a pleasant atmosphere.

How to get to Synevyr Lake

You can reach Synevyr Lake by car, bus or train.


If you are traveling by car, you need to leave the city of Khust in the direction of the village of Synevyrska Polyana. The journey will take about 30 minutes.

If you are traveling by bus, you must take the Khust - Synevyrska Polyana bus. The bus departs from Khust every day from 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.

If you are traveling by train, you must take a train to the city of Khust. Then from the station, you need to get to the village of Synevyrska Polyana by bus or taxi.

What to do on Lake Synevyr

On Lake Synevyr, you can engage in the following types of active recreation:

  • Hiking walks. There are several hiking routes around Lake Synevyr that allow you to get to know the local nature.
  • Cycling trips. There is a bike path next to the Synevyr lake that goes through the forest and mountains.
  • Boating. You can ride a boat or a boat on Lake Synevyr.

In addition, there are several restaurants and cafes on Lake Synevyr where you can have a snack or dinner.

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Interesting locations nearby

Synevyr Lake and National Park

Синевирська Поляна, Синевир
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