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Palace of Count Zygmond Pereni (Vynohradiv)

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Pereni Palace, the former residence of Baron Zygmond Pereni, and its adjacent park are located in the southeastern part of Vynogradov, Zakarpattia Oblast. This palace is an architectural monument of national significance under number 176 and is considered one of the oldest structures of this type in Transcarpathia. The building is massive, rectangular and two-storied, with corner quadrangular towers, which have a decorative rather than a defensive purpose.

Due to numerous restorations and reconstructions, the palace acquired a baroque appearance, so its original appearance remains unknown. The facade features a stylish portal and the coat of arms of the Barons of Pereni on a high pediment. The roof is lofty, baroque style, covered with shingles. The walls of the palace are thick, the rooms are low, with ceilings in the form of vaults. There are spacious basements under the building. The palace is surrounded by an ancient park with numerous beautiful and rare trees. One-story outbuildings are located next to the palace.

In 1557, the royal army stormed the castle where Pereni was staying, which made it uninhabitable. The baron decided to build a palace in the city, near the castle, for strategic security. For this purpose, an existing building erected in the 14th century was chosen. Initially, the palace was one-story, but in the 17th century, a second floor was added to it and the towers were updated. The first floor was used for household purposes, and the second had living quarters and a large hall with a fresco depicting Agaspheres and Queen Esther.

In August 1848, the palace saw the arrest of Zygmond Pereni, its owner. There is a folk tale, according to which the baron, before leaving the palace, gave an order not to close the gates until his return. This order is still followed, even though Pereni himself never returned to the palace.

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Palace of Count Zygmond Pereni (Vynohradiv)

вулиця Копанська, 10, Виноградів
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